**edited to add another**
There is an awesome giveaway for military members. Here are a few of the sites:
Military Avenue
A little of what she is saying:
"My husband's year long deployment to the sandbox taught me all about the wonders of technology. The beauty of communicating via webcam most nights was an amazing blessing! In only his first days of being settled at this base in Iraq I wrote: "
We Have Established Communication". Isn't it amazing where technology has brought us in the last century, the last decade, even just a few years?

I recently had the opportunity to use a Sony Touch, a hand-held, portable, digital e-book.
This is cool stuff! Although there is something about turning the pages of a real book as you enter your own little world, I have to admit the Sony Touch digital e-book has A LOT of appeal. I can go online and purchase books and have them automatically downloaded; even better I can go to my local library's website and download a book for free, if they have it in stock! The beauty of the Sony model is the versatility. You aren't limited to as many book-formats as some readers. The Sony Reader is able to read SEVERAL eBook formats!"
Hellcat Betty
Here is what she is saying about it, "A while back I was contacted about doing a giveaway, and now the time has come to share the details...
I am teaming up with Borders booksellers to give away a Sony Touch e-reader to an active duty U.S. service member!!! I couldn't be more excited! And just in time for Valentine's Day! The e-reader is valued at $300 and will come pre-loaded with 10 books (chosen by Borders). If the winning service member is deployed, they will ship the e-reader to the APO address. Sah-weeeet!"
A Yummy Mummy on a Pink Park Bench
Here is what she is saying, "Who out there has always wanted a library in their purse?
*raising hand fanatically* Oh, me! ME! ME! ME!
Wait, sorry. I forgot this is for you guys, not me.
Well, with the Sony Touch Reader you can have just that. A library
and a bookstore in your pocket. Yep, an entire library and bookstore in 10.1 ounces of technology. And with the awesome screen technology called E Ink VizplexTM it really is just like reading a book. The screen looks more like ink on paper and is completely readable in the sunlight."
Army Household 6
Here is what she is saying, "
So yesterday — I talked about the
Sony Reader Touch Edition and how awesome and perfect it was for our military community!
As promised – now its
YOUR turn to win one! (and comes preloaded with 10 books!!!!) Yes you read that right —
one lucky reader will get one for FREE just in time for a Valentine’s Day delivery !!!!! (they retail for $299)"